The Types of Silkworms

Divided into 2 (two) groups :

  • Wild Silk, Silkworm who used to live freely in several tree species
  • Bombyx mori, Kept indoors and is the main producer of silk that covers 95% of the world silk          production
Silkworm are classified as wild silkworms : 
  • Pilosamia ricini Hutt (Eri Silkworm), these caterpillars eat the leaves of jarak and in India the result of silk called eri silk.
  • Anthearia pernyi Guerin (Tasar Chinese Silkworm), these caetrpillar eat leaves of Quercus sp and silk produced is called silk tasar.
  • Anthereae yamamai guerin (Tasar Japanese Silkworm) these caterpillars eat leaves of Alianthus sp
  • Antheraea mylitta drury (Tasar India Silkworm), these caterpillars eat leaves ketapang (Terminalia sp). The resulting silk is silk tasar.


© 2010 Silkworm Design by Dzignine
In Collaboration with Edde SandsPingLebanese Girls